Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I Have a Heart!

For those of you who sometimes wonder, I DO have a heart!  It may be a little black, but it's there and it's working great!

Since we last spoke, I have had my pap (normal results), a pneumonia shot, a flu shot, and the first in a series of 3 Hep B shots. Today was my nuclear stress test.

After arriving at Cedars at 7:30am, it wasn't long before they called me back to an exam room with a treadmill in it.

"Do you exercise?"  Ugh! Why does everyone always ask me that??  NO! lol

They put in an IV line, checked my blood pressure, and then we waited for the nurse.

"Man, you morning people are annoying!" I tell them.
"We're not morning people," they both respond.

Ah, they're faking!  I know all about that, I explain, I was a waitress for 21 years.

When the nurse arrives, she says, "I hear you're a lot of fun!"
To which Joe, the tech, responds, "She's faking it!" lol

Despite the fact that I was starving, we had a grand old time.  Well, except for the guy who injects the radioactive stuff.  He's definitely not a morning person.

Up on the treadmill I went.  Walking, talking, suggesting that they should give me a donut when I'm done,  or hang a donut in from of the treadmill if they really want to see what I can do.

Faster.  Faster.

"Can I run?" I ask.
"Yeah, running with no bra! Awesome! I hope I don't step on them!"

"How long could you keep up this pace?"
I laugh.  "You mean, like if zombies were chasing me? Two minutes."
"Ok, let's do one minute more."

I start to pant.
"Do you want me to slow it down?"
"Yes, please!"

Suddenly I feel hot and nauseous (and was apparently pale).
"Lie down!" she says as she places a cool towel on my forehead.

"How about something to drink?" asks Joe.

Meanwhile, emo boy grabs a barf bag and puts it near me.

After a few minutes, I feel much better, with just a slight throbbing in my brain.

Joe hands me the smallest box of juice you've ever seen.

"Would you like something to eat?"
They didn't have donuts :(

The nurse said that my EKG and blood pressure were both great throughout the process, so that was reassuring.

Next up was the imaging of my heart using a gamma camera.  All I had to do is lie there on my belly, then on my back, and I only had to hold my breath twice.  They let me wear my ear buds, so I was relaxed and comfy.  They even had a cool fake window on the ceiling that had moving clouds and swaying trees, with the occasional bird flying by.  The only thing missing was a display showing how much you are being billed as that machine spins round and round😅

That's not what I meant when I said I wanted a donut!

Joe had told me that when they take the photos, they will show them to a doctor on site, and then, if they want to take more for clarification (which they do in 85-90% of cases), they would come back and take more.  So when they came back and said I was finished after the first two runs, I took that as a good sign :). I was out of there!

Tomorrow I have my mammogram, and once that is done, I think I have done everything I need to do to have my case put in front of the transplant team for approval to be listed on the cadaver donor list (assuming all of my test results are good). This, in turn, will mean that anyone wanting to be tested to be a live donor can start their labs.  Fingers crossed that all goes well.

Barring any abnormal lab results from my mammogram, the only thing that may hold me up are the Hep B vaccinations.  Apparently they want you to be Hep B resistant, and since I don't have any antibodies, I need to have a series of 3 shots over the course of 6 months.  I haven't had a chance to ask my team if I will have to wait to have all 3 shots to be eligible for transplant, or if we can get started after this first shot (or after the second, in a month).  Of course, I hope the answer is we can move forward now, and not have to wait 6 months.  We'll see.

Thanks again to everyone that has reached out to me, and shared my blog.  I hope you will continue to that for me!  I've been feeling good (normal for me is tired most of the time), but I don't know how much longer that will last, as my kidneys seem to be declining with every new blood test.  I am really hoping to get transplanted before needing dialysis!

And while I have your attention, I'd like to ask one more favor.  I want to work as much as I can while I can.  If you don't already, please follow my businesses on facebook and instagram, and share my pages with anyone you think may want to use my services (including the company you work for).  Referrals are the best way for me to get work! for face painting, balloon twisting, glitter tattoos and shave ice.  Great for private parties, schools, & company parties! @mammamonkeyevents on Insta for balloon decoration for all occasions!  @wowfactorballoons on Insta

And don't forget to subscribe and to check out previous posts using the tools on the upper right side of the page!

I wish you health and happiness!


PS I have started using the myfitnesspal app, and I love it!  It keeps track of calories, weight, nutrients & more!  I have to watch my salt, potassium and protein, and this app has made it simple!

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